It's very easy to prepare, but, using Thermomix it turns out extremely simple. Here's the recipe. I promise everyone will love it!!
* Tartlets(I used them already made, but you can make them with puff pastry)
* Crème pâtissière:
3.5 tbs of sugar (50 grs)
1 cup of milk (250 grs)
5 tsp of cornstarch (25 grs)
2 small eggs
1 tbs of vanilla or vanilla sugar
* Berries ( If it's out of the season and can't find them fresh you can always buy them frozen) *Covering:
3.5 tbs of water to hydratate jelly (50 grs)
1/3 cup of jelly (can be strawberry flavored) (80 grs)
3/4 cups of water (200 grs)
Preparation :
1.-Spread tartlets on a clean surface with space for working.
2.-Prepare the crème pâtissière as follows: Place all the ingredients detailed before in the TM bowl and program 7 minutes, 190ºF (90ºC), speed 4.
3.-Remove the crème pâtissière and let it cool down a bit before you share it out upon the tartlets. Do not fill them up too much, remember berries are still left.
4.-Place the berries decoratively on the top of the crème pâtissière.
5.-Prepare the covering: - hydrate jelly in a bowl with 3.5 tbs of water. - Place 3/4 cups of water in TM bowl and program 1 minute, 210ºF (100ºC), speed 1. - Add the jelly and dissolute programing 30 seconds, 210ºF (100ºC), speed 2.
6.- Use the jelly to paint each tartlet using a cooking brush.
Finally, place the tartlets in the fridge until it's time to serve. If you like, you can spread some confectioner's sugar.
No dubt, it will be successful!!